Topic Wise Words

Topic War:: PAGE #4

:: He saw early action in North Africa where he was awarded a Military Cross and bar:: she peered out through the blackout curtains:: This is evidence that not only are people buying homes but that demand in the market is strong enough to command premium asking prices:: Those commandos who previously trained together with their colleagues from the American special forces have served with distinction:: In May 1787 he left England as commodore of the First Fleet:: So perhaps now is not the time to disengage from North Asia although pulling the US troops away is long overdue:: they attempted to engage Anthony in conversation:: Its about empowerment informed decisionmaking and engagement in democratic processes:: In 1914 he enlisted in the French army and he was killed in action the following year aged 23:: These poses also help mobilize your knee joints by correcting the misalignment that occurs if your muscles are too tight:: This is a political struggle against a government that has waged a nonstop offensive against all of the past social gains of the working class:: As we said elsewhere this readiness to accept and embrace corruption and plunder of the public purse goes deep:: Gifts received in a private capacity by Royals were treated in the same way as gifts to anyone else he said:: We are always being told about how many asylum seekers and refugees are coming to this country:: Elizabeth was the new rising star in Hollywood:: They serve in a variety of roles infantry shock troops raiders sentries spies sappers and porters:: So say the sentinels guarding the long coastline of the country this weekend:: The enemy sentries and war machines were now aware of where he was:: These were the employees who operated the railway the station staff the signalmen the shunters and the guards on the trains:: These are working people who expected to express their spirit of service with a little weekend soldiering or crisis assistance:: A major state police force a few years ago gave all their troopers Walther380s to use as backup guns:: Conflict was punctuated by several truces and by full peace between 1360 and 1369:: We will still be at war with an enemy which becomes more clearly defined as all Muslims and everyone else not subject to America:: These were defensive positions and conflict and warfare seems to have been common:: The first photograph shows soldiers being conscripted during wartime as victims on an army production line:: Section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 creates the offence of unlawfully and maliciously wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm
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