Topic Wise Words

Topic Health:: PAGE #8

:: Based on his experience Dr Bank recommended all patients older than 40 years of age who desire body contour improvement in the neck abdomen or arm shouldnt be immediately relegated to facelifts tummy tucks and arm jobs:: One way to find a reputable reflexologist is to contact the Association of Reflexologists:: If the sunburn is severe you may need painkillers such as paracetamol or antihistamines:: What is the best way to stop tobacconists selling cigarettes to children:: The first step was to mask off an area around the metal cutout making sure that the spacing was even all the way around:: So we obsessively analyze this epic Homerian battle trying to find a moment of heroism a brief glimpse to help salve our morally guilty wounds:: a simple random sample of fortyfive students:: Section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 creates the offence of unlawfully and maliciously wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm:: Unhappy endings linger in your mind leaving an ache in your heart and a problem to resolve:: My head aches and its too heavy for me to lift without an achy pain:: I quit my ninetofive job and became a professional photographer:: I love Brady because he never misses a week and he rarely does anything to lose you games:: The authors concluded that unnecessary use of emergency ambulances would decline if alternatives were provided:: He lowered himself while Jason stood just below him to catch him if he fell:: Have sensible people never felt the insatiable hunger of infatuation:: The world is hungry for Scotlands contemporary art and our artists and institutions are brimming with confidence:: Sir Edward was being treated in Salzburg for a minor stomach upset when the pulmonary embolism was discovered:: He stated that he had great determination and stamina and felt he would be safer at home than in hospital:: A man may want to do much but he has only so much time only so much mental and physical energy :: Apart from my heart was swelling so much I thought it may explode all my mental pain was gone:: Follow this with a massage of the painful and aching areas with the following ointment:: The drip drip dripping sound of water echoed eerily tensing her nerves:: Given workers strong feelings on this issue management may need to brace itself for a bumpy ride:: In Wangs ward in the Haematology Division only half of patients with cancer may survive:: Reliance on folk medicine has been lessening and modern medicine with physicians nurses clinics pharmacies and sanatoria is the norm:: These sulfurcontaining additives are used as preservatives in dried fruits wines and dehydrated potato products like mashed potato flakes:: he did not give his name:: But the claim that some sociopaths are born does not preclude the possibility that some sociopaths are made
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